Bluedot Design is an Interior and Furniture design firm developing projects across residential, commercial, and institutional domains. The Principals at Bluedot have 20 years of experience across 100+ projects.  Our methodology deeply engages with each character of the specific context and materiality of each project. Context means the existing built, its details, city, landscape as well as the stories and the narratives of the client and the inhabitants. . We believe in working with what already exists on-site in an economical fashion, delivering enriched and renewed built-life to each project. From the refurbishment of small spaces to new build projects, Bluedot Design seeks to solve for the essence of each design challenge for our clients and aims to create timeless spaces with clarity and sensitive subtleties.


Our process starts with research and exploration into the project’s purpose. Whether we are working with a commercial or residential project, we give importance to its location and context, along with aesthetics and functional needs. All of these aspects are considered from the outset, resulting in a cohesive and powerful design. 

An important part of the conscious design is understanding what makes people feel good about the space they are in. Our perspective is diverse, and this has served us well in understanding the varied needs when designing for clients. Our lens is an Indian context with a contemporary and modern appeal.


We look to incorporate ideas and materials that contribute to sustainability, an important value for us personally and professionally. Our experience has shown us that small incremental adjustments can make a huge difference, improving both the project and the bottom line.

These changes may include incorporating natural elements, non-toxic materials, sustainably sourced materials to satisfy our innate need for a connection to nature and overall wellbeing. All these aspects have been shown to contribute to spaces people want to be in because they feel happier and more balanced. 


We have deep expertise in both interior and furniture design. Our range of work across education, residential and commercial projects, encourage the cross-fertilization of ideas. Our implementation process is marked by thoroughness and discipline our clients appreciate. As experienced professionals, we understand the importance of relationships built on empathy and trust. We understand and recognize that things change and there is always the need for responsiveness and flexibility. Our practice is a collaborative environment where we retain the creative energy of a small studio, pinning work up, and exploring new territory.

The conversations we have with our clients are often the seed for new ideas and directions. We are inclusive and always try to understand another's point of view. Like any good conversation, our design process requires us to be good listeners and excellent advocates. We ask the right questions and provide thought-provoking answers. We like to imagine that this conversation continues, after we finish our work, between the spaces and their occupants. 



SWATI GUPTA is an interior designer with a modern vision that finds inspiration in nature and a range of cultural influences from around the world.

While studying Interior Design at Arvind Patel Institute of Environmental Design, Anand Gujarat, Swati did her Thesis with Ar. Nimish Patel working on interiors for low-income families. The impressions made on her during this time, both intellectual and inspirational, played a significant role in her growth as a designer. Subsequently, she went worked with Architecture Paradigm a well-known Bangalore firm where, as Principal Designer, she established a strong interior design practice, and honed her unique vision. 

She stepped out to then establish a design firm “Spacematters” in 2006 with a colleague. Life has its own way of throwing opportunities at you and she never shied away from grabbing those. She later moved to Hong Kong and imbibed the international cultural and design scene. These experiences provided the basis for her exceptional perspective and motivated her to bring new energy and sensibility to her design craft 

She moved to Mumbai in 2010, beginning a new chapter. Working on freelance interior projects and as a product designer and as a key team member for a furniture startup, she added her creative expression in the domain of furniture. Her clever and vibrant designs have been a favorite to her clients and successfully showcase her artistic talents.

In 2017, she launched Bluedot Design as a practical and sustainable interior and furniture studio/ brand. As Principal Designer, Swati appreciates the importance of bringing an uplifting experience to people through her designs, through her unique perspective, and through her passion. She creates modern, yet relatable spaces that both excite and soothe the inhabitants, while fostering a balance between mind and body, and making every space an exceptional experience.

As founder of Bluedot, Swati’s fueled the firm’s rise to success and renown. Imaginative design and keen attention to detail, paired with distinctive materials, bring an effortless light and energy to her spaces. Swati understands the important connections between client and designer that develop during the design process. She works to establish a relationship of trust, respect that is reflective of each client’s individual goals.